Digital Marketing | 4 minute read
Implementing a B2B Digital Marketing Strategy Requires Planning & Consistency
Glen Quinn
Written by Glen Quinn
Implementing a B2B Digital Marketing Strategy Requires Planning & Consistency

An increasing number of companies are shifting their budgets to digital marketing channels because they deliver improved and, more importantly, quantifiable results. This has led to the maturing of the digital marketing space, unmeasured tactics no longer work and taking a more strategic approach reliant on effective planning and consistency is the key to success.

You need to continuously research your prospects' needs and define an agile and adaptable strategy to secure quality brand propositions.

So, take a systematic approach for your strategy to increase conversion rates, and transform your marketing into a profit centre.

Benefits of a Digital Marketing Plan

A digital marketing plan is the foundation of your business' digital transformation and growth. With a digital integrated plan, you can effectively engage and convert prospects and gradually guide them through your sales' funnel.

Focused Efforts

As shown in 2018 B2B Marketing Mix Report published by Sagefrog Marketing Group, over half of B2B companies lack an official marketing plan. This only leads to the absence of industry insights and a decrease in their marketing strategy impact.

The 2018 State of Inbound Survey published by Hubspot shows that over 6200 B2B marketers position converting leads into customers, growing website traffic and increasing revenue from clients as priorities for their marketing strategy. But the main challenges they face include generating leads and traffic.

By outlining a marketing strategy framework using various channels and tools including affordable resources, you can focus your business' efforts to achieve your goals.

Take Your Business Out of Its Comfort Zone

Planning your B2B marketing strategy will force your business out of its comfort zone and question all your previous marketing efforts and the reasons why you thought they would have positive results.

You'll re-assess the marketplace and your competitors and re-align your activities to overcome challenges. Targeted research lowers any financial loss risk because you can remodel your marketing program before committing money and time.

Increase Your Team's Accountability

A marketing plan will help your team determine specific business goals and work together towards them. You'll have complete control over their advancement provided through different metrics which help you measure their progress.

Through a proactive approach, you'll offset rigidity and determine agile strategies to help your business quickly adapt to market changes.

Your Marketing Strategy Becomes a Market Differentiator

High growth rate companies invest more in their marketing strategies and achieve high impact. Because free marketing is irrelevant, you should employ both time and money in scaling your marketing mix techniques.

You can measure the success of your marketing investment through the number of new billable clients acquired, revenue and profitability. However, high-growth rate enterprises take their plan one step further by including other metrics into their measuring system. So, you should also consider lead generation numbers, site traffic, conversion rates, brand awareness levels, and social media engagement.

So, by putting more effort towards your marketing techniques you can reach a greater impact on your company's profitability.

A Marketing Plan Helps with Perspective

Using different tactics and tools can lead to losing sight of the bigger picture. For example, when you engage with your audience through Twitter, you're only using 140 characters per session. It's focused on the moment.

So, to overcome the challenges of getting lost in micro-exchanges, develop a strong marketing plan so you don't miss profitable opportunities.

Prioritizing both Inbound and Outbound Tactics

Because content is a key part of marketing campaigns, identify and rank your marketing activities to convert your target audience.

Use a variety of inbound and outbound techniques and channels tied to your marketing goals along with your sales funnel. Generate awareness and strengthen your customers' loyalty levels. You can establish an action plan to turn your marketing strategy into result driven action outlining specific steps intended to keep your marketing alive.

Consistency is Your Secret Weapon!

Why should you focus on consistency? Because you'll benefit from all opportunities connected with your target audience. We've all heard about consistency being key. But, not many understand what it's key to.

Being consistent in your marketing efforts will add value to the quality and message of your marketing strategies. If you fall behind on the quality of your content, you'll gradually lose stakeholders and your leads' generation rates will decrease. And, your brand's message should be conveyed to your audience in the same way to clearly communicate every time. However, you can be creative about how you send your message but avoid confusing your prospects.

If you consistently develop high-quality marketing campaigns you'll increase your company's authority in the industry and optimize trustworthiness levels. Use your audience's language and meet their needs which will help you close your leads into loyal and billable customers.

Once you've turned your leads into customers, consistency still plays an important role. It drives your clients to engage with your business and provide quality reviews which boost your brand's visibility and image.

Strong Campaigns

Integrating consistency across your marketing campaigns and branding activities affects both your audience and your business.

Whenever a prospect reaches one of your marketing materials such as adds, social media or video posts, they'll instantly recognize your company and expect the same brand experience every time.

Consistency will also help you leverage on your investment as you develop optimized synergy across every channel and message. You're always adding value to your brand by guaranteeing consistency of your value proposition. It's vital for how your customers relate to your company's brand.

Because micro-moments are increasing throughout your sales funnel, consistency will help your audience connect with what your company is and your quality standards. Every marketing component should incorporate the same message to help you become a reliable and dependable source for your customers' demands. Being consistent will suggest that you know what your customers need, will show your unique sales propositions and give you a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Wrapping It Up

Our team of experts can help you implement a strong and results-driven marketing strategy to align, support and build trust across your company's team and your stakeholders.

We'll define your marketing goals and direction, and guarantee that all members of your team are striving to achieve the same results.

Your marketing plan should be agile to market changes, so you can integrate adaptation, testing and align to new demands.

So, before investing both time and money in your marketing campaigns, contact us and we'll reach impactful and highly profitable results together.

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